Sit and watch a sunset long enough and you’re just asking for trouble. Which is every reason to catch as many as we can. For me, a good sunset frees my mind to wander where it will. It’s a place where the world’s distractions fade into the twilight, and that gives me room to reflect on things I didn’t even know I was thinking about. Without moments like that, there will always be secret dreams I’ll never find and plans I won’t know enough to make. Last night, I sat on the roof with my good friend Malbec and nothing...
So it’s May and Memorial Day is on the way and already the beach talk has started. Which is great except for the beach part because I’m not a huge beach person. I love the friends and the food, the swimming and the Frisbees, but the sand makes me crazy, the wind is worse, and that freakin’ sun is a killer. And that’s about 75% of what’s waiting on the other side of those dunes. I am always officially on the fence about the beach trips my peeps plan. Or at least I used to be before I found my...