A few days ago, I was thinking out loud about setting a vision for my life and how the endpoint it starts with is the ultimate dream we have for ourselves. That dream is where I want to land. My vision is how I get there and what it looks like when I finally arrive. Simple enough, I guess. Except I’ve got dozens of dreams and not a single clue as to which one is the one. Is it my dream to be a writer? Or my dream to be a travel guru? My dream to open a vintage clothing...
Sit and watch a sunset long enough and you’re just asking for trouble. Which is every reason to catch as many as we can. For me, a good sunset frees my mind to wander where it will. It’s a place where the world’s distractions fade into the twilight, and that gives me room to reflect on things I didn’t even know I was thinking about. Without moments like that, there will always be secret dreams I’ll never find and plans I won’t know enough to make. Last night, I sat on the roof with my good friend Malbec and nothing...
Setting a vision for my life. I’ve been thinking about this, but all I come up with are questions: How does that work? What does it look like? Where do I even start? I’m going with my dreams. They’re what we want most in the world and the things that keep us aiming true through all of life’s roadblocks and detours. They’re the roots of the meaning our lives have, and if the vision we have for those lives is to mean anything at all, I think our dreams need to be the marrow in its bones. But it seems...