The Bloom — science

Kohana Coffee
The Truth About Coffee & Antioxidants

The Truth About Coffee & Antioxidants

Our quest for health takes us many places. To our yoga mats and our bicycle seats. To the hiking trail and the fitness center, a bowl of fruit or a lunchtime salad. Yet if we really want to boost our bodies, we should head for the nearest café and order a large latte. Not to say those other things don’t matter. They do. But when it comes to self-care, the latest scientific surprise is deliciously simple: drink coffee. Researchers who’ve picked our favorite drink apart say it’s loaded with all kinds of good things our bodies need to maintain optimal...

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Kohana Coffee
The Magic Of Caffeine

The Magic Of Caffeine

As coffee devotees, we all know there’s a lot going on in our cups. There in the deepest dark, notes of chocolate and fruit, nut and spice, both bitter and sweet swirl together in a mélange of epicurean wonder so profound that no other beverage can compete. And, of course, all that flavor comes with the boost provided by our favorite fuel, the celebrated compound called caffeine. In a word, perfect. Caffeine gives coffee its zoom, and coffee gives it to us. Yet the question remains: Just how exactly does it work this black magic? The story is all in...

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Kohana Coffee
Coffee is Life

Coffee is Life

When it comes to healthy eating, kale gets all the press. But if the scientific buzz is right, there’s a whole lot of wellness waiting in our coffee cups, too, and while that sweet essence of sacred bean may not have the cachet of cruciferous vegetables, it still packs a serious jolt. And we’re not just talking caffeine blast either. Here are a few recent headlines that put coffee above the nutritional fold: Coffee fights cancer. It’s packed with antioxidants called polyphenols, and consumption has been linked to less prostate, breast, colorectal, and liver cancer. Coffee does waistlines right. Those...

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Kohana Coffee
Night Brained, Right Brained?

Night Brained, Right Brained?

I am not a morning person. I am a creature of the night. When the sun goes down I wake up. Which is great except that when the sun comes up, I just can’t and conflict ensues—between me and my alarm, me and my job, me and the world. It’s hardly on purpose. I’m reading or writing away, deep into a Netflix run, zoned out on a new project, and suddenly it’s 3:00 am. Or worse. How’d that happen? I have no idea. But there I am. Facing another much-too-brightly lit morning coma which I’ll slog through like it was...

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