The Kohana Coffee Company, the creator of the world’s only shelf-stable cold brew coffee, has launched a brand new web platform at www.kohanacoffee.com and unveiled a host of online changes that reinvent the gourmet roaster’s user experience.
The new platform serves up a unique marketing style and inviting appeal via a fresh, ultra-clean look whose light and airy feel reflects the brand’s unique Hawaiian origins. Visitors to the new site can now effortlessly explore its features, access original coffee-focused content, and enjoy a far more engaging digital encounter designed to encourage repeat visits and build strong consumer relationships.
Supporting the new design and its easy navigation are enhanced site search capabilities and a new, more elegant e-commerce solution, which combines to deliver better access to Kohana products and a much more refined online ordering process.
“Our management goal for the new site was to really rebuild everything under the hood from the ground up so that our web presence performs on the same high level as our product lines and meets those same consumer expectations,” says company founder and CEO Victoria Lynden. “We took our inspiration from our coffee technologies themselves. There’s a lot going on behind our packaging that consumers never know is there. The processes that result in our products’ taste profiles are intentionally invisible. It’s the essence those technologies combine to create that leaves the impression and produces brand loyalty. You’ll never know why it tastes so good. You only know that it does. That’s the approach we took.”