The Bloom

Kohana Coffee


Is it just me or is life getting out of hand? Most days, I can’t even find five minutes to focus on anything that really matters. My whole existence feels like some giant pinball machine, constantly buzzing and flashing and beeping, with me as the ball bouncing around all over the place just trying to score a few points and avoid tilting into Game Over. Phone, friends, work, city—every 30 seconds a new distraction pulls me in a different direction, and when I add it all up at the end of the day, all the stuff I really want to...

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Kohana Coffee
The Other World Cup

The Other World Cup

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my few short years of wandering the Earth, it’s that it’s a pretty weird and wonderful place with a lot of cool and crazy stuff going on. Today’s Exhibit A: the U.S. Coffee Championships. I don’t know whether to punctuate that sentence with an OMG or a WTF, but I do know one thing: next year, I’m going because... coffee. And nothing but. For a whole weekend. Yes, please. I will be there for the Barista Championship, which involves “performances from professional baristas” and a competition where the best in the biz get...

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Kohana Coffee
Yoga to the rescue!

Yoga to the rescue!

My friend Tommy dropped by yesterday. If you know Tommy, you know that’s trouble because he’s always got something to say about everything and is someone (you know the type) who knows, just knows, they’re right about it all. That makes him a lot of fun and a giant freaking pain. Usually at the same time. Yesterday, he showed up with lattes during my morning yoga, and I made the tactical mistake of finishing while he waited. And yeah, Tommy had something to say about it, mostly that my standing there like (his words) “some weird statue made by a...

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Kohana Coffee
Real Travel. Real Cheap.

Real Travel. Real Cheap.

Maybe it’s the smell of spring in the air or just my winter doldrums reaching their usual April peak of screaming boredom, but it’s time for a road trip. No idea where I’m going but unless I win the lottery, I’m know how I’m getting there: as cheaply as possible! That’s what sucks about travel. It’s so freaking expensive. I went to New York City a few months ago, and that town took a twenty out of my wallet every ten minutes. Not cool, New York. Especially for a girl on a budget. But I love to explore new places, so...

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