The Bloom — Dreams

Kohana Coffee
My One Person Dream Team

My One Person Dream Team

Setting a vision for my life. I’ve been thinking about this, but all I come up with are questions: How does that work? What does it look like? Where do I even start? I’m going with my dreams. They’re what we want most in the world and the things that keep us aiming true through all of life’s roadblocks and detours. They’re the roots of the meaning our lives have, and if the vision we have for those lives is to mean anything at all, I think our dreams need to be the marrow in its bones. But it seems...

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Kohana Coffee
A New (To Me) State Of Mind

A New (To Me) State Of Mind

 You know that space between being awake and falling asleep? Those few minutes when you aren’t really in either place but somewhere in between? It’s a crazy time. We’re starting to dream but we’re still alert enough to know it, which makes strange things happen in our brains and lets our brains take advantage of those things in a way we can’t when we’re sleeping. Turns out there’s a name for this. They call this mental state “hypnagogia.” (No, I don’t know how to pronounce it!) And it’s a key to creativity. All kinds of people have used hypnagogia to...

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